東海大学医学部付属八王子病院外科  潜在性腫瘍細胞(ONCs)研究会編集

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1. Surgical oncology (外科腫瘍学)

このテーマは主として、癌の転移/再発について勉強しようと思い、2000年頃から大磯病院で始めたリサーチです。特に、これまでに検討して参りました遊離型癌細胞の中でも、リンパ類洞に浮遊するサイトケラチン免疫染色陽性の遊離癌細胞クラスター(floating ONC clusters)の発現と転移/再発との関連は、門脈血や末梢血中などからは複雑な手技を用いないと証明しづらい極少量の残存癌細胞を、生体の免疫/防御装置である原発巣近傍の微小リンパ節循環内で捕捉した標的として比較的容易に評価したものであります。これまでにもリンパ節転移を伴わない大腸癌症例に生じる不慮の遠隔転移/再発を説明するために、circulating ONC-cluster(occult transplant foci ≤0.2mm)によるOccult systemic metastasisという固形癌の転移/再発に関する病態を提唱し、ONC-clustersやこれらが多数結合した悪性細胞の凝集塊が原発巣から何らかの機転で遊離して標的臓器、特に肝/肺にviableな状態で流入する場合において遠隔転移が成立する最も危険な病態であると報告して参りました。今後はONC-clustersの実験的再現モデルの確立と遺伝子学的特性の解析、及びこれらclusterの抗癌剤感受性に関する検討へと展開していきたいと考えております。

1) 急速に増大した食道嚢腫の1例.
  向井正哉、幕内博康、町村貴郎、他. 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 1992; 34 (1): 94-101.
2) S状結腸カルチノイドの1穿孔例.
  向井正哉、堀江 修、池田正見、他. 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 1992; 53 (2): 411-414.
3) 分娩後急速に増大した若年大腸癌両側卵巣転移の1例.
  向井正哉、野登 隆、安田聖栄、他.  日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 1992; 45 (2): 209-213.
4) 術中内視鏡が有用であった早期胃癌穿孔の1例.
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 1992; 53 (8): 1869-1873.
5) 下血で発症したS状結腸脂肪腫の1例.
  向井正哉、花上 仁、久保博嗣、他. 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 1993; 54 (3): 721-724.
6) バスケットボール選手に発生した原発性鎖骨下静脈血栓症の1例.
  向井正哉、花上 仁、久保博嗣、他. 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 1993; 54 (5): 1235-1239.
7) 抗癌剤著効例に生じた抗癌剤起因胃腸炎の1剖検例.
  向井正哉、野登 隆、安田聖栄、他. 日本癌治療学会雑誌 1993; 28 (6): 942-948. 
8) 血友病A患者に発生した胃癌・胆石症の1手術例.
  向井正哉、花上 仁、石川健二、他. 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 1993; 54 (7): 1842-1846.
9) The expression of MMP-7 mRNA in primary and metastatic human colorectal adenocarcinoma.
  Masaya Mukai, Sonja Jonas, Neil Keeling, et al. Oncol Rep 1995; 2 (3): 423-426. IF0.407 (1997)
10) The expression of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma invaded to the submucosal and proper muscle layer.
  Masaya Mukai, Sotaro Sadahiro, Nobuhiro Tokunaga, et al. Oncol Rep 1998; 5 (2): 335-340. IF0.399
11) The expression of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in patients with primary colorectal adenocarcinoma: correlation with liver metastasis.
  Masaya Mukai, Sotaro Sadahiro, Nobuhiro Tokunaga, et al. Oncol Rep 1999; 6 (5): 969-973. IF0.659
12) Preoprative evaluation by whole-body 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in patients with primary colorectal cancer.
  Masaya Mukai, Sotaro Sadahiro, Seiei Yasuda, et al. Oncol Rep 2000; 7 (1): 85-87. IF1.290
13) Long-term survival after immunochemotherapy for juvenile colon cancer with peritoneal dissemination: A case report.
  Masaya Mukai, Nobuhiro Tokunaga, Seiei Yasuda, et al. Oncol Rep 2000; 7 (6): 1343-1347. IF1.290
14) Quintuple carcinomas with metachronous triple cancer of the esophagus, kidney, and colonic conduit interposition following synchronous double cancer of the stomach and duodenum.
  Masaya Mukai, Hiroyasu Makuuchi, Sayuri Mukohyama, et al. Oncol Rep 2001; 8 (1): 111-114. IF1.224
15) Efficacy of oral UFT plus leucovorin therapy for colon cancer with ovarian and multiple liver metastases: report of two cases.
  Masaya Mukai, Hideki Moriya, Shinji Himeno, et al. Oncol Rep 2001; 8 (5): 1079-1083. IF1.224
16) Efficacy of combination chemotherapy for stage IV colon cancer with extensive peritoneal dissemination and multiple liver metastases: A case report.
  Masaya Mukai, Yasuhisa Oida, Sayuri Mukoyama, et al. Oncol Rep 2002; 9 (6): 1339-1343. IF1.700
17) Improvement of 10-year survival by Japanese radical lymph node dissection in patients with Dukes’ B and C colorectal cancer: A 17-year retrospective study.
  Masaya Mukai, Isao Ito, Sayuri Mukoyama, et al. Oncol Rep 2003; 10 (4): 927-934. IF1.256
18) Correlation between occult neoplastic cells in the lymph node sinuses and recurrence in patients with Dukes’ C colorectal cancer.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Nobukazu Komatsu, et al. Oncol Rep 2003; 10 (5): 1165-1169. IF1.256
19) Correlation between occult neoplastic cells in the lymph node sinuses and recurrence in patients with curatively resected Dukes’ B colorectal cancer.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Nobukazu Komatsu, et al. Oncol Rep 2003; 10(5): 1177-1181. IF1.25
20) Selection criteria for high risk and low risk groups of recurrence and metastasis in patients with primary colorectal cancer.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Tomomi Nishida, et al. Oncol Rep 2003; 10 (6): 1753-1758. IF1.256
21) Complete remission after combination chemotherapy for stage IV gastric cancer with peritoneal dissemination and liver matastases; case report.
  Masaya Mukai, Tomoya Hinoki, Takayuki Tajima, et al. Ann Cancer Res Ther 2003; 11(1-2): 169-181. IF 0.000
22) Efficacy of postoperative adjuvant oral immunochemotherapy in patients with Dukes’ B colorectal cancer.
  Masaya Mukai, Takayuki Tajima, Hisao Nakasaki, et al. Ann Cancer Res Ther 2003; 11 (1-2): 201-214. IF 0.000
23) Efficacy of postoperative adjuvant oral immunochemotherapy in patients with Dukes’ C colorectal cancer.
  Masaya Mukai, Takayuki Tajima, Hisao Nakasaki, et al. Ann Cancer Res Ther 2003; 11 (1-2): 215-229. IF 0.000
24) Occult neoplastic cells in the lymph node sinuses and recurrence of primary breast, lung, esophageal, and gastric cancer.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Hisao Nakasaki, et al. Oncol Rep 2004; 11 (1): 81-84. IF1.36
25) Accuracy of criteria for predicting recurrence and metastasis in stage II and III gastric cancer patients with lymph node metastasis.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Nobukazu Komatsu, et al. Oncol Rep 2004; 12 (1): 63-66. IF1.356
26) Criteria for predicting the recurrence and metastasis of stage I and II gastric cancer without lymph node metastasis.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Tomomi Kimura, et al. Oncol Rep 2004; 12 (1): 59-62. IF1.356
27) Predicting the recurrence/metastasis of stage II and III breast cancer with lymph node metastasis.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Tomomi Kimura, et al. Oncol Rep 2004; 12 (2): 303-306. IF1.356
28) Predicting the recurrence /metastasis of stage I and II breast cancer without lymph node metastasis.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Tomomi Kimura, et al. Oncol Rep 2004; 12 (4): 745-748. IF1.356
29) Predicting recurrence and metastasis of stage II/Dukes’ B colorectal cancer without lymph node metastasis.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Takayuki Tajima, et al. Oncol Rep 2004; 12 (5): 1127-1130. IF1.356
30) Predicting recurrence and metastasis of stage III/Dukes’ C colorectal cancer with lymph node metastasis.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Tomomi Kimura, et al. Oncol Rep 2004; 12 (6): 1301-1304. IF1.356
31) Predicting recurrence and metastasis of Dukes’ A primary colorectal cancer with or without proper muscle invasion.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Hiromi Ninomiya, et al. Oncol Rep 2004; 12 (6): 1305-1308. IF1.356
32) Occult neoplastic cells and malignant micro-aggregates in lymph node sinuses: Review and hypothesis.
  Masaya Mukai. Oncol Rep 2005; 14 (1): 173-175. IF1.572
33) Recurrence and 5-FU sensitivity of stage III/Dukes’ C colorectal cancer with occult neoplastic cells in lymph node sinuses.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Hiromi Ninomiya, et al. Oncol Rep 2005; 14 (5): 1165-1169. IF1.572
34) Recurrence and 5-FU sensitivity of stage II/Dukes’ B colorectal cancer with occult neoplastic cells in lymph node sinuses.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Hiromi Ninomiya, et al. Oncol Rep 2005; 14 (5): 1171-1176. IF1.572
35) Recurrence and 5-FU sensitivity of stage II/III node-positive gastric cancer with occult neoplastic cells in lymph node sinuses.
  Masaya Mukai, Takayuki Tajima, Shinkichi Sato, et al. Oncol Rep 2005; 14 (6): 1505-1510. IF1.572
36) Recurrence and 5-FU sensitivity of stage I/II node-negative breast, lung, or gastric cancer with occult neoplastic cells in lymph node sinuses.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Takayuki Tajima, et al. Oncol Rep 2006; 15 (4): 815-820. IF1.567
37) Prospective study on the recurrence/metastasis of stage II/III colorectal cancer and gastric cancer associated with occult neoplastic cells in lymph node sinuses: Three-year interim results.
  Masaya Mukai, Takayuki Tajima, Shinkichi Sato, et al. Oncol Rep 2006; 16 (2): 405-410. IF1.567
38) Alternating hepatic arterial infusion and systemic chemotherapy for stage IV colorectal cancer with synchronous liver metastasis.
  Masaya Mukai, Yasuhisa Oida, Takayuki Tajima, et al. Oncol Rep 2006; 16 (4): 865-870. IF1.567
39) Sensitivity to CPT-11 and platinum derivatives of stage III/Dukes’ C colorectal cancer with occult neoplastic cells in lymph node sinuses.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Hiromi Ninomiya, et al. Oncol Rep 2007; 17 (5): 1027-1032. IF1.597
40) Sensitivity to CPT-11 and platinum derivatives of stage II/Dukes’ B colorectal cancer with occult neoplastic cells in lymph node sinuses.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Hiromi Ninomiya, et al. Oncol Rep 2007; 17 (5): 1045-1050. IF1.597
41) Local recurrence and occult neoplastic cells in the extranodal fat of dissected lymph nodes in patients with curatively resected primary colorectal cancer.
  Masaya Mukai, Masato Nakamura, Kyoko Kishima, et al. Oncol Rep 2007; 17 (6): 1365-1369. IF1.597
42) Sensitivity to CPT-11 and platinum derivatives of stage I/II node-negative breast, lung, and gastric cancer with occult neoplastic cells in lymph node sinuses.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Hiromi Ninomiya, et al. Oncol Rep 2007; 18 (1): 33-39. IF1.597
43) Sensitivity to CPT-11 and platinum derivatives of stage II/III node-positive gastric cancer with occult neoplastic cells in lymph node sinuses.
  Masaya Mukai, Shinkichi Sato, Hiromi Ninomiya, et al. Ann Cancer Res Ther 2007; 15 (1): 22-26. IF 0.000
44) Clinical comparison of QOL and adverse events during postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy in outpatients with node-positive colorectal cancer or gastric cancer.
  Masaya Mukai, Kyoko Kishima, Fumino Uchiumi, et al. Oncol Rep 2009; 21 (4): 1061-1066. IF1.588
45) Efficacy of 5-FU/LV plus CPT-11 as first-line adjuvant chemotherapy for stage IIIa colorectal cancer.
  Masaya Mukai, Kazutake Okada, Hiroshi Fukumitsu, et al. Oncol Rep 2009; 22 (3): 621-629. IF1.588
46) Is the T1/2N1(≦3 nodes) category actually stage IIIA(TMN)/IIIa(Japanese classification) in patients with primary colorectal cancer?
  Masaya Mukai, Kyoko Kishima, Hiroshi Fukumitsu, et al. Oncol Rep 2011; 26 (1): 209-214. IF1.835
47) Stage II/III cancer of the rectosigmoid junction: An independent tumor type?
  Masaya Mukai, Kyoko Kishima, Masashi Yamazaki, et al. Oncol Rep 2011; 26 (3): 737-741. IF1.835

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